Bite-Sized Wisdom: Short Stories for Big Inspiration.

Welcome to a world of positivity and inspiration! Here we believe in the power of stories to spread joy, teach lessons and make us think. Our stories are short, so you can read them in just a few minutes, but they're packed with exciting ideas and surprising twists.

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Positive Stories Roméo ESSOU Positive Stories Roméo ESSOU

Cultural Practices for Social Justice

Back in 2010, I led a team to prepare the child sponsorship campaign in the North-West of Benin. As part of this process, we organised meetings with communities leaders to introduce the project and seek their support for its success.

During these initial contacts, one of our hosts gave us a lecture on development and women empowerment.

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Positive Stories Adama Coulibaly | Positive Minds Positive Stories Adama Coulibaly | Positive Minds

Giving without expecting anything in return

Nowadays, people always expect something in return when they help you. Worse, they expect you to be grateful forever. They don't shy away from reminding everyone that it is thanks to them and them alone that you are who you are today, overshadowing your own efforts and sacrifices.

But there is a better way: give without expecting anything in return.

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Positive Stories Adama Coulibaly | Positive Minds Positive Stories Adama Coulibaly | Positive Minds

Good Boss, Bad Boss: we learn from both (Part 2/2)

When I walked out of my boss’ office, I was over the moon. 1,000 young people will have a modest job thanks to my project proposal… My joy was short-lived. His condition for approving the project was morally unacceptable to me. I was faced with two options, each with serious personal consequences.

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Positive Stories Adama Coulibaly | Positive Minds Positive Stories Adama Coulibaly | Positive Minds

Create opportunities for others

"Sir, my name is Miriam. I am a new graduate with a Master Degree in Political Sciences and International Relationships. I'm looking for a job or internship. I am available for a call or a meeting to tell you more about me" ; said Miriam, a young graduate

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