The Leadership Odyssey is available in hardcopy and e-book formats, ensuring you can enjoy it in whichever form suits you best. Here's how you can secure your copy today:
Online Purchase:
Les Editions L'Harmattan: You can purchase the book directly from the publisher's website here.
Amazon: to get your copy, visit my Amazon Author Page.
Other platforms: The book is also available to order from the main online sales platforms: Fnac, Cultura, La Procure, Babelio, Nouveautés Editeurs, Les Libraires—Canada, L’armitière (E-Book only), etc.
Local Availability: The book can be ordered from Editions L'Harmattan's African bookstores. For more details, please refer to the L'Harmattan abroad page.
Book Details for Easy Reference:
ISBN: 978-2-336-44771-1
EAN13: 9782336447711
EAN PDF: 9782336447728
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I appreciate your interest in The Leadership Odyssey. Secure your copy today to embark on your leadership and personal growth journey.