Picture of Adama Coulibaly

Meet Coul: A Born Optimist and Source of Positivity…

Greetings! My name is Adama Coulibaly, but you can call me "Coul". I am a happy husband and proud father of two remarkable boys. A relentless source of positivity, I am an unwavering optimist and a passionate technology enthusiast. With a deep-seated passion for social justice, I firmly believe in the critical importance of ensuring equal political, social and economic rights for girls and women.

My life mission is "to be a lifelong learner and use my knowledge and skills to empower others to develop, grow, and thrive. "

These are the values that guide my path:

  • Faith: This extends beyond my belief in God. It encapsulates having faith in myself and the inherent benevolence of others.

  • Altruism: My heart is perpetually responsive to the needs of others, particularly those who are most vulnerable.

  • Learning and Sharing: My mind is perpetually keen to absorb new knowledge, and my heart is equally enthusiastic to share what I've acquired.

  • Positive Thinking: Regardless of the situation, I always see the brighter side and perceive "the glass as half full. "

  • Integrity and Honesty: I persistently aim to uphold truthfulness and adhere to my principles.

Fuelled by social justice, fairness, and equality, my spirit is uplifted when I witness my work inspiring and making a tangible difference in the lives of those who need it the most.

Join me on this exciting journey of positivity and optimism!

Adama Coulibaly's Life Compass