Bite-Sized Wisdom: Short Stories for Big Inspiration.

Welcome to a world of positivity and inspiration! Here we believe in the power of stories to spread joy, teach lessons and make us think. Our stories are short, so you can read them in just a few minutes, but they're packed with exciting ideas and surprising twists.

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Adama Coulibaly | Positive Minds Adama Coulibaly | Positive Minds

The wave of artificial intelligence is coming; INGOs must ride it or be swallowed by it.

ChatGPT has taken artificial intelligence (AI) to a new level. Its exponential rise since its launch in November 2022 has surprised everyone. The private sector adapts as best as it can to this new technological disruption.

The development and humanitarian sector has no choice but to adapt as well. In this article, I explain the pros and cons of adopting AI and the strategies INGOs can implement to harness its potential to achieve their mission.

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