Adama Coulibaly | Positive Minds

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Build your career around your family.

Positive Minds | Positive Quotes | Edition 001

Recently I had a career conversation with a young man I will call Babacar (not his real name). He has been working in a non-family duty station for two years. He is married and has two children aged 5 and 3, respectively.

Here is the short version of our conversation:

  • Babacar: Coach, thank you for your help in securing the position we’ve discussed at the World Bank headquarters.

  • Me: Congratulations, Babacar. I am very proud of you. I had no doubt.

  • Babacar: They sent me the offer, but when I did the maths, I lose out because the job is in New York, where the cost of living is quite expensive. My current job offers me a lot of benefits and perks that I will lose. I need your advice.

  • Me: I don't have any advice for you, Babacar. Instead, I have two questions to ask you. Firstly, apart from the money, what is good for your family? Secondly, which of these two jobs will make the best use of your skills and expertise and offer you the most opportunities for career growth? Go and think about these two questions, and then we'll talk again.

30 minutes later ....

  • Babacar: You are full of wisdom, coach. When I reflected on your two questions, it was obvious that I should accept the offer. You seem to know that my children and my wife are not happy about me working in a non-family duty station.

  • Me: A wise decision Babacar. I have known countless people who sacrifice their families for their careers. This is a big mistake. It is the opposite of what one should do. You can replace a job. You can't replace a family.